Keeping my kids entertained can be hard. I mean – sure lets sit in front of the TV all day watching shows – NOT. I want them to be engaged and learning as much as possible (especially when they are not in school), so I really limit their “plugged in” time. This means limited usage of Kindles, iPad, iPod, phones, TV, etc. I have been looking for fun and educational activities for kids that I an help them with and that they will enjoy doing. We have tried most of these and my kids loved all of them so I wanted to share these fun and educational activities with you.

I hope you enjoy this list of Fun and Educational Activities as much as we have. I would love your feed back about what are your favorites and which ones you have tried.

I hope you find something fun to do with your kids today. These are just some ideas to get you started. I would love for you to share yours with me so we have even more to try.
What a lot of great activities for the kids to do. My favorites are the dry ice bubbles and the marshmallow catapult.
Love these ideas!
Amazing ideas! Sure to give it a try. Explore more such learning activities in http://www.kidsfront.com/
grt idea to keep kids active and creative.
I landed on your site from a PInterest Pin of the popsicle stick shapes – which I love. But you have so much more – what a happy find! Thanks for sharing all your ideas.
Thank you 🙂
Thank you for sharong these fun ideas , as a kinderten teacher they are excellent resources.
Thanks for sharing these fun ideas! My girls would enjoy them.
I love the updated water movement activity. Lettuce leaves are so much more exciting than carnations! Plus, I love the dry ice bubble activity! That one would probably be more for me to play with though hah!
Fun ideas for the kiddos….I will have to let them try some of them out. Thanks!!
cooolllllllllllllllllllllllll very nice love it
I love these fun activites for the kids. Great to teach them with while they can have fun to. Going to have to try a few of these with them. The water movement experiment looks really cool.
These are very fun ideas! On summer break, we often hear, “I’m bored”. These are a great way to entertain the little ones while spending quality time with them. We are going to attempt the nature scavenger hunt this week. Thanks for the tips!
Wow, some great ideas here and now that I am with my grandchildren, they are always bored and looking for fun things to do. Some of these they would love, thanks so much for sharing!
Oh wow! This is a fantastic list. I definitely want to try some of these with NY kids. Looks like so much fun.