Potty Training is hard. Even though I have done it three times already with my other kids, I am still a little hesitant to start training my forth. There are so many forces working against me, lol. But I am determined to make it fun and a good experience for her. This means watching for the signs that she is ready to potty train as well as being as patient and persistent.
Here are some tips I have learned over the years:
- Take them to the bathroom every 15 minutes (set a timer on your phone)
- Give them lots to drink (lots of water) so that when they sit on the potty – something actually can come out
- Make a big deal out of every try wither they go or not
- If you know they need to go #2 – you can try reading them a story to help them relax
- Reward them (my kids liked a small treat) with every successful potty break.
- Don’t get upset if they have an accident – be positive about the whole experience. If they have accidents repetitively then they are probably not ready.
- Use a potty chart to track their progress and offer fun rewards.

Print your FREE Boys Printable Potty Chart

Print your FREE Girls Printable Potty Chart
I am still trying to train my two year old. We attempted it for half a day and she didn’t show any real interest and then peed on the floor – lol – so we are waiting a while longer. On the flip side – my 4 year old is almost night trained! YAY! Its so nice when they are out of diapers and pull-ups. (and much more budget friendly).
I would love to hear your thoughts about potty training, what worked for you (and what didn’t) and anything else you would like to share!
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