This post was sponsored by P&G as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
I am a mom. That says a lot – things like cooking more, cleaning more, shopping more, needing more of everything we buy. They all come with the territory and 99% of the time it doesn’t bother me. The only time it gets to me is when we inadvertently run out of something that we use all of the time and I am left with running to the store to get more or struggling through the rest of the night until we can get to the store. I think we have all been there at least once. So today I want to share a list of 10 must-haves for your house that you should keep on hand at all times. I love shopping at Costco because I can buy things in bulk and make sure that we have a sufficient amount on hand.
10-must haves for your house (in no certain order):
- Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet Paper
- Bounty Advanced Paper Towels
- Soap
- Toothpaste
- Tide Advanced Power Laundry Detergent
- Downy April Fresh Fabric Conditioner
- Puffs Facial Tissues
- Pampers Wet wipes
- All purpose cleaner
- Cascade Complete Action Pacs Dishwasher soap
This is just the beginning of things that I can think of. If you sit down and think about you will realize many things you will add to your essentials list. Stock up on them and other P&G products at Costco.
If you keep these products on hand you will always be prepared for most of the situations that life will throw at you. With my four kids we go from cooking and baking to crafts, working outside, camping and everything in between all within a few hours. My kids love to paint and the Bounty Advanced Paper Towels are so great, partially because of the select-a-size feature, but also because they are strong and hold up against my kids and everything they put them through. I am cleaning up messes, wiping counters, drying hands, and many countless other things with paper towels all of the time, and I can honestly tell you how great Bounty Advanced is.
Downy April Fresh Fabric Conditioner work great with Tide Advanced Power to keep our clothes clean, soft and smelling great. I feel like am constantly doing laundry so having bulk sizes of the Tide Advanced Power and Downy April Fresh help so much. I also love the dispenser spout and how easy it is to store. It is convenient and easy. With my kids always playing and being creative, they sometimes go through multiple outfits because they get dirty. I love having P&G Household Needs products from Costco to help me clean them up and get them on their way for more fun and adventurous living.
One of the more obvious must-haves is toilet paper. We love getting Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet Paper in bulk – especially with four kids we go through toilet paper a little faster than I would like. Charmin is ultra soft and comes in the jumbo rolls so we don’t have to replace the roll as often. It is also wider so you get better coverage. Pick some up next time you are at the store and see the difference for yourself.
We wanted to share a video telling you a little more about our household essentials.
Let us know what your household must-haves are.
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