My kids are growing up in a tech world. I work from home on a computer, and I have a phone and a tablet that they love to play on. I like my phone and tablet and don’t want to share, lol, so I have been on the hunt for a good tablet for my kids that will allow them to play and have fun but also be educational. There may be educational apps you can get, but I wanted a tablet that would not only be fun, but also challenge them, grow with them and teach them. If they are going to spend their time doing something, I want to sneak learning in there. After a little research I realized that LeapFrog was my best option. When I saw the new LeapFrog Epic tablet, I fell in love. I am so glad we got a Epic tablet for my son for his birthday, because it has not only allowed him to have fun but learn as well.
The LeapFrog Epic tablet is a one of kind android based tablet that grows with your child. This was the biggest selling point for me. I have four kids – and I want them to be challenged everyday. I do my best to help them, but when the have their free time, I want that time to still be productive. I also want them to be safe. There is a lot of junk on the internet, in apps, books and games and I don’t want my kids to “accidentally” install one. The LeapFrog Epic is safe right out of the box, that allows them to explore and do more as they learn and grow without me having to worry about if what they are doing is safe.
There is room for up to three kids accounts on the Epic, and each of those can customize their “device”. The home screen can be customized, it knows your age so it can have age appropriate material and as your kids play it and learn it challenges them more by adapting. It also has cool features like real-time weather, a clock and daily surprises. There is also a kid-safe web browser that allows them the freedom to be independent and make decisions, but is also protected so I don’t have to worry. You can add more websites they can visit, or unlock a full browser with parent controls.
Here are our 10 reasons we love the LeapFrog Epic Tablet:
- Because it is LeapFrog you know it is educational
- It is easy for kids to use and navigate
- It comes with 20+ games and apps + others you can get to keep them learning and having fun
- The Epic tablet grows with them and keeps them challenged
- It has a 7″ touch screen with an android based OS
- There are front and rear facing cameras
- It is rechargeable with a micro-usb charger
- You can install the Amazon app store on the Epic
- It is durable and comes with a case
- The stylus is attached to the device
These are really just a handful of reasons that we love the LeapFrog Epic tablet. This is a must-have for this years shopping list for your kids. They will love it.
Overall we are really happy with the Epic and so is my son (and my daughters). The apps you can buy are affordable and my kids love playing them for hours and hours (good thing they have a time limit 😉 ). The Epic is an Android™ based operating system with a 7″ multi-touch capacitive screen, 16GB memory and the Expanded LeapSearch™ Browse. It is a great value and will make the perfect gift under the Christmas tree this year!
Learn more about LeapFrog on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube!
I am a LeapFrog Mom Ambassador and we received these products in order to tell you about them. This did not affect our opinions and they are 100% our own.
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