This post was sponsored by Nature Made® as a part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central
The Holidays. There is so much packed into those two words. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all bundled in a crazy 5-6 week whirlwind that leaves parents and caregivers feeling like they have been through the wringer and back again. I have four kids, and so I feel like I am always running a hundred miles an hour between school, music, sports and everything else that is normally going on…but add in “the Holidays” and everything changes. I have discovered over the last several years, that there are ways to keep mind-body balance during the holidays. I want to share some of these ways with you so you can also have a more peaceful and enjoyable holiday season. Before we get into that, I wanted to let you know about the chance to win one of 60 Walmart gift cards worth $50 each (No Purchase Necessary). Click here for more details.
As I was walking through Walmart recently, I was looking for a new multi-vitamin specially made for women. I was excited to find Nature Made® adult gummies Multi for Her plus Omega-3s. I grabbed a bottle of them as well as bottles of the Nature Made® VitaMelts (Multivitamin and Vitamin C). For my husband I grabbed a bottle of the Nature Made® Multi Complete. We have been taking these everyday and I love how Nature Made® has helped give us the nutritional support we need, especially during this busy time of year. Nature Made® is the #1 Pharmacist Recommended brand for many key dietary supplement categories*.
Achieving mind-body balance is always tricky, but it can be done. Even during the holidays. Here are 10 ways to achieve mind-body balance during the holidays:
- Sleep – you need sleep to function like a normal person, and if you are skimping on sleep you will not be as attentive, you will not be as efficient and you will not have as much energy. Decide on a schedule and stick to it.
- Hydrated – stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water.
- Take Nature Made® vitamins and supplements: An easy, convenient way to help your body get the nutritional support it needs every day, whether it be to support bone health, immune health or energy metabolism (helping convert food into energy).†”
- Exercise – even if it is only for 15 minutes a day, you will be surprised how much better you will feel physically and it is a great way to clear your mind.
- Make a list – plan out everything you want/need to get done and set goals for completion. When you see it all laid out you can organize it and accomplish more.
- Communication – have a friend you can call and talk to about what is going on. It will help you vent (good or bad) and keep your mind from dwelling on things that happen. My husband and my sister are my sounding walls. Often, after I have voiced it, I don’t think about it again (or as often).
- Enlist your family – you can’t do everything by yourself, and you shouldn’t feel like you have to. Delegate things to family members (even if it something simple like putting the dishes away) so everyone can pull their weight around the house.
- Don’t procrastinate – procrastination is something that will throw everything off track. If you don’t wait to the last minute to do something, it is usually better and you are excited and happy as you accomplish your tasks instead of hurried and agitated.
- Resolve to smile – you choose your attitude, actions and reactions. Make the best out of every situation and you don’t be left with regrets and shoulda-coulda feelings.
- Take time for you – don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself to recharge and get back on track. Our minds and bodies need a break.Take a bath, read a book, go to a movie or on a walk. There are so many things to choose from, pick something that makes you happy and relaxes you.
These are just a small list of things that will help you feel better in mind and body.
Nature Made® is the #1 Pharmacist Recommended brand for many key dietary supplement categories*. I like the taste of the Nature Made® gummies and Nature Made® VitaMelts that I have been taking. I can tell a difference in my everyday routine of a general feeling of well being. If you want to make a difference in your day – try Nature Made® vitamins and supplements available at Walmart. There are many different reasons for taking vitamins and supplements. “Nature Made® vitamins and supplements: An easy, convenient way to help your body get the nutritional support it needs every day, whether it be to support bone health, immune health or energy metabolism (helping convert food into energy).†”
Learn more about Nature Made® at:
GIVEAWAY: http://shopcentric.influence-central.com/walmart/nature-made/
- Walmart Twitter: https://twitter.com/Walmart
- Walmart Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/walmart/
- Nature Made® Twitter: @naturemade
- Nature Made® Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naturemade
*Based on the 2016 U.S. News & World Report – Pharmacy Times Survey.
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease.
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