This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.
I have been married for 14 years and in that time my husband and I have had our fair share of trials in addition to the joys and happiness life can bring. We were blessed with four beautiful healthy children in the first 9 years of our marriage, and over the last five years, we have been trying to conceive again. We finally got pregnant after two years but ended up miscarrying when I was about 2 months along. It was heartbreaking because we had been waiting so long. We were ready to add another one to our family. In the last three years, we have kept trying to no avail, and are still waiting for the two pink lines on the pregnancy test to tell us of another baby on the way. We decided we needed some help, so we started researching some options and found out that tests and procedures for infertility can get really expensive. We wanted to try a few things on our own first and one of them is called Stork OTC. Stork can be purchased at Walgreens and CVS and it is located in the family planning section next to ovulation test kits!
Stork is really easy to use. No Shots. No Scans. No Prescriptions. No Procedures. Because trying to get pregnant is challenging enough, the test is made to use in the privacy of your own home. I love that it is a drug-free option on the road to conception.
If you are trying to conceive, but feel like you and your spouse are coming together simply to “make babies” then it probably isn’t really enjoyable anymore and I can bet it is putting stress on your relationship. We have been there. Some things you might want to consider are: looking at your prescriptions (these can alter your mood or even your sperm/ovulation), ways to relieve some stress in your life, and getting an app to track ovulation.
After a lot of talking and researching, we found these 10 ways to keep the passion in your relationship while TTC and we want to share them with you:
Stop saying no – Chances are one of you will instigate lovemaking, because you are feeling “it”. It is up to your spouse to follow through or not. Stop saying no. You don’t need to set a date and time to have sex. It needs to be fun and passionate. Those things won’t be there unless you relax and enjoy the moment. Look for ways to be together anytime (day and night). On the other hand, it is fun to plan things out and have something to look forward to.
Switch it up – Don’t get stuck trying the same position over and over. Make it more fun (and possibly pleasing) by switching it up and trying new things. Make sure you are both comfortable and don’t criticize your partner if they don’t want to try something. On the other hand, be sure to keep and open mind. Try different places instead of staying in bed. Get creative and have fun.
Don’t skip foreplay – There is nothing to get you “in the mood” like acting like a couple of randy teenagers. Have fun and be passionate. This is a great time to get to know what one another likes as well.
Fulfillment – Be considerate of your partner and find joy in their fulfillment as well as your own.
Let go – You should feel 100% comfortable with your partner. Don’t get stuck in your own head, thinking about insecurities. Embrace yourself, your body and give everything you have. Enjoy the moment. Stop thinking and worrying. Focus on giving and getting pleasure. That is what is it all about.
Idea Jar – This can be a lot of fun and you get to learn some things about each other. You and your spouse write down things that you want to try with each other and cut them into strips and put them into a jar (you can combine them or have HIS and HERS).
Be vocal – Bedplay is a lot more fun when you know what each other likes and you let your partner know when you are enjoying something they are doing. It helps promote the mood and it also helps you learn more about each other. Don’t be shy. It’s normal to make sounds and noises – but don’t go overboard either. Just let it naturally come.
Be careful of lubrication – We recently learned that not all lubes are sperm-friendly. So be sure to find out before you use any. On that same note, having sex a couple of times a week will keep your estrogen circulating, helping you stay naturally lubricated. Also, antihistamines can be a culprit in that area. Something to talk to your doctor about.
Eat a healthier diet – processed foods, white sugar, soda, etc are all energy zappers. Try and stay away from them and focus on eating fruits, veggies, and healthier foods. Not only will these better foods give you more energy, you will also improve your libido and you may start to see physical results like weight loss, which gives you more confidence in bed!
Laugh and smile – Sex is about more than just physical. It is a great time to bond with your spouse on a spiritual and mental level as well. I love talking and laughing with my husband before or after, and sometimes even during. This increases your connection to each other, and in turn, leads to better physical intimacy.
These are all ways to help you keep the passion alive and have fun while trying to conceive. It can be hard, depressing and even mood killing when month after month you realize you are not pregnant, but you have to stay positive. Stop worrying. Stop getting down on yourself or blaming others. There is no blame. It is just one of those things. Hopefully with products like Stork OTC or a visit to your doctor you can resolve a lot of issues and concerns and finally have that little bundle of joy you have been wanting.
Join us for the the upcoming Twitter party on February 23rd at 8pm EST participate with the hashtag #getcloserwithstorkotc. This is a great chance to win awesome prizes and learn more about Stork OTC.
E H says
I have used this product before, and I love it! It is easy to use, and no doctor required! This is a good product to boost confidence and keeping working on it!
Cindy Ingalls says
Thanks for sharing such an honest post. I think a lot of couples could learn from the ideas you wrote about. Keeping the flame alive is essential in any marriage or relationship.
My Teen Guide says
its important to talk about this matter together! very honest and true! this is very helpful post!
Annemarie LeBlanc says
I love how open and honest you are about your feelings towards trying to conceive. I agree that you should not lose the passion and make trying to conceive into a chore. I wish you all the best and praying that soon you will be blessed with another bundle of joy.
Elizabeth Neas says
This is the first I’ve heard of this product. Luckily, my husband I never had any issues with infertility…actually just the opposite I feel so blessed and truly hate that some couples have to do through so much to have a child.
travel blogger says
This is very helpful! It can be so stressful trying to conceive which can really make it feel like a chore. This article is so honest and helpful. I think many couples are surprised when trying to conceive becomes so mechanical and not fun. It is important to talk about it. Thanks!
Elizabeth O. says
It’s never easy to conceive and there will be trials along the way. So long as you have each other’s back everything will eventually fall into place. It’s nice that you found a reliable tool to help you conceive. I hope you see those two pink lines soon!
Paris says
This is a great list to keep passion in your relationship. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you find success with Stork OTC.