Why not Get a leg-up on your Spring Cleaning and enter to win a Dyson Vacuum Cleaner!!!!
It’s Free At Last has teamed up with many other AMAZING bloggers to bring you this AWESOME Giveaway for a nice Dyson Vacuum Cleaner!!!!
These FABULOUS bloggers have teamed up to bring you this unique and awesome Giveaway:
It’s Free At Last, Mommy’s Coupon Train, Savings In Sumner Co, Freetail Therapy, Freebies 4 Real, Embracing Beauty, Shopaholic Mommy, Mom Blog Society, Twin Sisters in the City, Capri’s Coupons, Meg’s Moxie, Coupon Queen of Texas, Everyday Free Samples, Retail Therapy Lounge, Frugal Family Fashion, GimmieFreebies, MyCouponLady, Cori’s Coupon Corner, Couponin’ on Coffee, We Love Amazing Deals, This Mama Loves Her Bargains, Rocky Mountain Savings, Fuggs and Foach, Pawsitive Living, Freebie Corner, Gone Klippin’ Krazy, The Homeschooling Blog, Cool Canucks, Money Saving Amanda, Nifties ‘N Thrifties, Utah Coupon Deals
This contest will run from March 1, at 12:01am EST through March 15, at 12:01EST. This contest is open to the US & Canada. Winner will be chosen at the end of the contest via the Rafflecopter form.
Cory says
I would probably say dusting.
Sassy says
I hate mopping.
Tanya Messer says
Chore I hate the most is washing windows! Streaks are my nemesis!
gail mclane says
I hate putting all the winter stuff up and cleaning EVERYTHING…
amy says
I do not like to dust. To many ceiling fans.
elizabeth wilson says
washing the walls and ceiling horrible we wash every wall and ceiling even in the basement
Nicole Lynn says
Amazing!! I hope I win
Kellene K says
I hate cleaning but probably the worst is windows! Followed by purging things… that’s rough for me…
Marva Jean Knudsen says
I dislike cleaning out closets and drawers.
Adriann L says
I do NOT like cleaning my basement at all!!!!!
Adriann L says
A dyson vacuum would make vacuuming so much more enjoyable.
Farrah Shumway says
Cleaning out the garage! UGH!!!
Gina R. says
I hate to clean out rooms that things are piling up in.
Sandie Workman says
I hate all spring cleaning. I really hate gutters, though.
Deanna says
windows!! Hate spring cleaning the windows!!
Rachel Clark says
I have to say that I am in-between cleaning out closets and cleaning out the garage. I think I just don’t like cleaning in general =)
Kizzy DeSantis says
I don’t like ANY spring cleaning chore! lol
Heather says
Rotating seasonal clothing is a non-stop, never-ending chore!
Tina Rath says
Washing windows!
Heather says
Rotating seasonal clothes gets me every time! It’s not messy, but it seems never-ending!
Tammy P. says
I live in the woods and spring is coming so I will back to vacuuming twice a day this would make my job easier and funner too!
Cathy Brannan says
Washing Windows because I am short.
Dominique says
This is exactly what my momma would love!
Jacqui Odell says
cleaning the walls!
Rachel Ralston says
I love to clean but dusting can be a pain in the butt at times. Every year we move the furniture to get behind everything plus dust the walls and ceilings. Not only is this very time consuming but tiring.
Ashley Pomykala says
I hate cleaning, but I will hate doing the yard work this year! New home and the landscaping is a MESS!!!
Christy Kennedy says
I hate cleaning period! But hey someone has to do it, or it won’t get done; mostly I hate cleaning our blinds. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Melissa M. says
I can’t stand going through our huge piles of un-opened mail and organizing all of our paper work, bills, medical papers, etc! There are massive piles in our office right now…
LaShelle Lee says
spring cleaning chore i dont like to do is the windows and cleaning out my closet
Corrine Couch says
Dusting, cannot stand it!
rachel0 says
cleaning the fridge
tami husak says
washing windows is a major chore i dislike
Briann Neeley says
i hate doing any of the yard work
Lorna England says
Washing outside windows is for the birds! .. exactly! They are part of the problem!
olivia says
I hate cleaning out my closet!
jill n says
I don’t like pulling down the stuff on top of my cabinets in the kitchen and washing or wiping them and then getting them all back up there.
Megan L says
I do not care for dusting!
Geet says
Thank you so much for the giveaway!
Lydia V says
Thanks for offering such a great vacuum – I hear lots of good reviews about Dyson
Kara J says
Going through all the closets and getting rid of stuff not worn and changing out winter for summer clothes
Elissa Boone says
Thank you so much for the GREAT giveaway! You are always doing great things for your fans and is so greatl appreciated!!!
Coralie says
You’re Welcome! 🙂 thanks for being here.
Ashley Schmidt says
I hate dusting.
Mike F says
Cleaning out the garage for all the spring yard stuff
Jax Leigh says
I hate cleaning, period!! LOL
misty sunrise says
I hate cleaning closets. Everyone ALWAYS wants to try and keep everything.
itsjustme62613 at gmail.com
jennifer says
I hate vacuuming but I have horrible asthma 🙂
Heather G says
I don’ t care for chores but the biggest is cleaning up the dog doo after all winter
Charla McCracken says
Going through cabinets and closets to get rid of things we don’t use, need or is out of date!
sarie sophie says
clean out my basement..I collect so many things down there by the end of the year it needs to go! and takes hours to get it gone! lol
nici says
Going through clothes.
Crystal Kelley says
every chore lmbo
raili says
was just looking to get a vacuum!
Danielle Peters says
Going through all the clothes to donate. Makes me feel fat most of the time or nostalgic lol.
Amy Orvin says
Cleaning out the attic.
Donna Hup says
Only one? 😉
I don’t like vacuuming, haha!
Michelle says
I hate going through my clothes, I can’t bear to get rid of them!
heather grata says
hate cleanin my sons toys up
Jodi B says
cleaning behind the fridge
Stephanie Mago-Eagle says
Going through old clothes & give to people that need them for their babys
♡♥♬ Louis ♬♥♡ says
cleaning out the pantry
Rosanna Petty says
Kitchen cabinets is not only back breaking, it’s bad for your manicure!
Bobbi Kilbarger says
I hate washing windows.
martha parten says
cleaning windows..thank you so much for the giveaway, my kirby is on its last legs
Jamie says
I don’t like cleaning out kids closets of clothes that don’t fit. And I don’t like cleaning/vacuuming the blinds.
Amanda DeLaney says
Cleaning out the kid clothes that they have outgrown 🙁
lisandra falcon says
cleaning the garage
Christine says
Cleaning windows & closets!
Terri says
I don’t particularly like doing the laundry any time and less so when it includes all the regular clothes plus curtains, rugs, blankets, comforters, etc. etc!
Lisa M says
washing screens and windows
Katlin Wolfert says
I hate cleaning the garage, mine gets so many cobwebs and spiderweb..YUCK!
chelesa sims says
i dont like cleaning the walls
heather trevino says
cleaning out the closets!
Amber Trussell says
I hate cleaning out the closets. So many things get shoved in a closet so that “no body can see it” but when it comes time to clean them out I always hate it.
Victoria Comulada Squires says
I don’t like doing the windows,inside or outside.I don’t like doing my closets…. :9 But,either way, thank you for giving me a chance to win… 🙂 I hope you have a Great Day… 🙂
Paige says
i dislike cleaning all the windows taking out the screens is a pain 🙁
Shirley Smith says
Watching the walls….
Veronica G says
Baseboards are the worst!
Angela says
watching my husband clean out the gutters.
i dont want him to fall!
king marsela says
omg finding the stuff i was looking for in the winter….
Jennifer Porter says
The chore I hate the most when Spring Cleaning is actually going through everything. I don’t like to part with my things very easily.
carolyn halligan says
I dont like to take all the curtains down and clean them.
Skye H. says
I hate folding laundry and stuffing diapers :o)
Cristie Monk-Verdin says
i would have to saying cleaning out closets in our house.
Melissa Moreno says
None of it!
Karina Lee says
i hate having to get rid of old clothes
Tammy S says
Cleaning out the garage. I hate finding spiders and dust bunny’s!