The Squatty Potty toilet stool is a unique and actually “productive” thing to have around. Not only does it help promote better bowels movements, but my 2 year old thinks its just for her and she has started potty training now that she has a neat stool around the toilet.
For me personally I have been using the Squatty Potty for about the last week, and I have to tell you that I feel a lot better, I don’t have any untimely flatulence problems and I feel like my time escape to the bathroom is more productive then giving me 10 minutes of alone time.
The reason the Squatty Potty works so well is all about position. When you “squat” your body actually eliminates better then is you are simply sitting. Watch the video above to get all of the details. Feel better and get away from stomach problems by getting a Squatty Potty toilet stool. You can thank me later ;).
Be sure you check out the Squatty Potty website and use promo code “Squat4Health” for 15% off your purchase.
They also have products that you can use “before you go” that will help keep the smell to a minimum. These sprays are called Turdle Loo. You get a free travel size with your order! You just spray the water before hand and then the scented water helps mask the smell. I found that they worked pretty good.
5 Reasons why you should really eat an apple a day
Another way you can help your body feel better is to eat an apple a day! Did you know that the age old saying “An apple a day keeps the Doctor away” isn’t far off from the truth? Apples have so many health benefits and eating just one apple a day will not only help promote healthier bowels, they are good for detoxing your body, lowering cholesterol, and several other amazing benefits. Let’s go over (what I think) are the top 5 reasons why you should eat an apple a day:
- Apples are packed with soluable fiber.
- Soluable fiber will not only aid in reducing intestinal disorders, but it can also aid in weight loss. Eating an apple 15 minutes before a meal will help you feel more full so you eat less, and you will feel fuller longer so that you don’t eat as often. It also helps in cleaning out your bloodstream by detoxifying and eliminating heavy metals from your body.
- Apples are packed with vitamins and minerals. Eat the apple with the peel on the get the most nutritional value.
- The pectin in apples will help lower your cholesterol since it is controlling your insulin levels. It slows the release of sugar into your blood stream.
- Eating 5 apples a week lowers your risk for respiratory diseases (like Asthma).
- It is said that eating apples can help prevent various types of cancer.
Check them out at:
(Thanks for help with these health tips to BSPCN and MNN)
We are also part of a great giveaway for a Bamboo Squatty Potty and a $50 Gift Card!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received compensation for this post – this does not affect my opinions and I only recommend products or services that I believe will be beneficial to my readers.
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