3 of my 4 kids are in school this year. If you have a kid in school you understand how it takes a toll on you time and finance wise, have having three is, well, a little crazy. But there are things we do that help not only our kids but also the school that makes it a better experience for everyone. We like to volunteer at the school, help with fundraisers, make sure our kids are doing their school work, and help raise money for the school by collecting Box Tops for Education. These are little “coupons” as you can see below that are the packaging of a lot of different products, like Hefty®, and when your student turns them into the school, the school can redeem them for $0.10 each. It doesn’t sound like a lot, but schools are able to raise thousands of dollars to help with student programs, school supplies, and many other things each year! If you are not collecting them, start now. Even if you don’t have kids, you can give them to someone in your neighborhood.
My kids looking at the packages when we shop to see if there are Box Tops on them. Then they “fight” over who gets to put the Box Top in their bag to take to school. It is fun and I am glad that they feel as strongly about it as I do. Here are our top 5 reasons we collect Box Tops for Education:
- It allows us to help the school by buying items we need and use
- The money raised by the school gives my kids better experiences
- It helps my kids learn that giving and helping others is good
- My kids like to tape them to a paper and then take them to school and get a reward for donating
- It helps my kids learn organization and counting skills as we collect them
If you are not very familiar with the program you can learn more about why we love Box Tops and why we buy Hefty® trash bags when we shop. They are the only trash bag that supports Box Tops for Education, so you can be sure what we buy when we go to the store. They have a funny video that talks about Box Tops – watch the Hefty® Box Tops #SaidNoSchoolEver YouTube video. One of my daughters is in Orchestra, another likes art, my son loves sports and all of these after school programs are in part supported by Box Tops. They are also able take more field trips, have more school activities and parties, have fun rewards programs and more.
If your doesn’t participate or if you don’t know, talk to them about it and get it going. Hundreds of products support Box Tops for Education so you can buy what you need and donate a little back to the school. If your kids collect Box Tops already, I would love know more about what you think about the program and how it benefits your school. Leave a comment with your experiences below.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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