This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Cuties for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
Having kids is great, but sometimes it can be challenging to get them to eat healthy. My kids love to snack and so we try to always have healthy treats on hand that they can get to. I want my cuties to eat healthier, and that is just one of the reasons that we always keep Cuties on hand.
They are great for healthy snacking as well as making fun recipes like Fruit Pizza. We want to share our easy Fruit Pizza Recipe that my kids can make with only minimal supervision, and they eat it like crazy which I love because it really is a great healthy snack.
My kids (like many others) have a tendency to reach for the candy when they get a sweet tooth craving. We are trying to break that by keeping little or no candy around, and replacing it with healthy snacks like Cuties. They are easy to peel so my little ones can even do it without my help, and they are packed with good vitamins. I love the Cuties Music Video that features the “I Want Candy” song redone with “I Want Cuties”. Your kids will love it and it is a great way to make the switch from candy to fruit even more fun! My kids also love to dance around to the Cuties Song, especially while we are eating Cuties!
You can also download the Cuties Song for free and be sure to share your cuties doing their favorite moves on social media with the hashtag #IWantCuties. Also checkout the Cuties Facebook page for more information, recipes, tips, crafts and more! Your kids will love showing their moves and dancing to “I Want Cuties” while they make this fun and easy Fruit Pizza recipe – I know mine did! 🙂
For the recipe, we used a sugar cookie as the base, then added strawberry cream cheese and then topped it with Cuties and bananas. I love the sweet tangy flavor the Cuties add. (Don’t tell my kids, but sneak Cuties all the time, that is how good they are). The fruit pizza is so yummy and you can make it so many ways. This is an easy and fun snack that my kids love, and they reach for Cuties over anything else when they want a snack.
I also wanted to share with you 5 ways to help your kids eat healthy. Since I have four kids and I feel like this is something that we deal with constantly. 5 ways to help your kids eat healthy:
- Stock your house (fridge, pantry, cupboards and counter) with healthy snacks like Cuties so that they will eat better by default.
- Develop (or maintain) healthy eating habits yourself, so you are an example to your kids.
- Limit how much and how often they can get snacks, and what they can get.
- Cook and eat homemade meals over going out to eat.
- Help them learn the benefits of each food and get them excited about eating it.
I would also love to hear your tips and advice – so be sure to leave a comment below.
patricia delgado says
These pizzas are genius, my daughter is autistic and sometimes will only eat pizza, this may help her get a few healthier things into her. Thanks I can’t wait to try it out.
Coralie says
Thank you. I hope they work out for her. Pizza is great and can be made with so many things.
Corrina Jimenez says
I absolutely love this idea! I am pretty sure my niece and nephew would devour these!
Nicole Escat says
Wow, this is so cool, and it looks yummy and healthy at the same time.
Rosey says
Yum, now that is my kids of pizza. I do love fruit treats and the kids do too.
Terri Beavers says
Those cute little pizzas would do the trick for my grands. I always provide fresh fruits for them when they are here over chips and other stuff.
valmg says
I love Cuties, partially because they taste so good and partially because they’re so easy to peel. I’ds like to try that fruit pizza right about now.
Tori Gabriel says
I love this idea. Little fruit pizzas are fun to make and I think my girls will love them. I’ll have to try them.