My kids love watching Series, and Avatar has been a great one. It has a mix of everything and it keeps them entertained. I often find myself watching it with them as well! Avatar The Last Airbender: The Complete Series comes out today on DVD, so be sure to pick it up and watch the fun and entertainment with your family.
Available on DVD October 6, 2015
Nickelodeon’s fan-favorite animated seriesAvatar: The Last Airbender is now available in this exclusive 16-disc special collection which features every episode from all three seasons of the hit show. Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Complete Series contains all 61-original episodes that aired from 2005-2008 – that’s over 24 hours of episodes! – as well as hours of bonus features. With “Behind the Scenes” and “Making Of…” featurettes, audio cast commentaries and more, there is no shortage of Avatarfun in this one-of-a-kind collection. Produced by Nickelodeon Home Entertainment and distributed by Paramount Home Media Distribution.
About Avatar: The Last Airbender
Launched in February 2005, Avatar is an animated comic adventure set in a fantastical Asian world. This epic story follows the journey of twelve-year-old Aang, a reluctant hero who must lead the fight against the evil Fire Nation to restore balance in his war-torn world. The world is divided into four nations: Water, Earth, Air and Fire. Within each nation is an order of masters who possess the ability to manipulate their native element. They call themselves Waterbenders, Earthbenders, Airbenders, and Firebenders. The most powerful bender in the world is the Avatar, the spirit of the planet incarnate.
Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Complete Series includes:
Book 1: Water
- Disc 1
- The Boy in the Iceberg
- The Avatar Returns
- The Southern Air Temple
- The Warriors of Kyoshi
- Special Features:
- Behind the Scenes Kung Fu Featurette
- Disc 2
- The King of Omashu
- Imprisoned
- Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World
- Winter Solstice Part 2: Avatar Roku
- Special Features:
- The Making of Avatar-From Real Life to Animation
- Disc 3
- The Waterbending Scroll
- Jet
- The Great Divide
- The Storm
- Special Features:
- Behind the Scenes: The Voices of Avatar
- Disc 4
- The Blue Spirit
- The Fortuneteller
- Bato of the Water Tribe
- The Deserter
- Special Features:
- “Ask the Creators” Featurette
- Original Uncut Anamatic – (25 minutes of animated raw sketches from episode #15)
- Disc 5
- The Northern Air Temple
- The Waterbending Master
- The Siege of the North, Part 1
- The Siege of the North, Part 2
- Special Features:
- Audio Commentary with Creator, Cast & Crew:
- Chapter 17 with Dee Bradley Baker (voices of Momo and Appa) and Ben Wynn (sound effects)
- Chapters 18-20 with Aaron Ehasz (Head Writer) and Co-Creators: Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino
- Audio Commentary with Creator, Cast & Crew:
- Disc 6
- Behind the Scenes with the Avatar Cast & Crew
- Avatar Pilot Episode with Audio Commentary
- The Making of Avatar – Inside the Sound Studios
- The Making of Avatar – Inside the Korean Animation Studios
Book Two: Earth
- Disc 1
- The Avatar State
- The Cave of Two Lovers
- Return to Omashu
- The Swamp
- Avatar Day
- Special Features:
- Original Uncut Animatic: Episode # 21 (The Avatar State)
- Disc 2
- The Blind Bandit
- Zuko Alone
- The Chase
- Bitter Work
- The Library
- Special Features:
- Audio Commentary by Creators, Cast & Crew
- Disc 3
- The Desert
- Journey to Ba Sing Se, Part 1: The Serpent’s Pass
- Journey to Ba Sing Se, Part 2: The Drill
- City of Walls and Secrets
- Tales of Ba Sing Se
- Special Features:
- Audio Commentary by Creators, Cast & Crew (Episodes 12 & 14)
- Disc 4
- Appa’s Lost Days
- Lake Laogai
- The Earth King
- The Guru
- The Crossroads of Destiny
- Special Features:
- Audio Commentary by Creators, Cast & Crew (Episodes 17, 18, & 20)
- Disc 5
- Interview with Creators and M. Night Shyamalan
- The Essence of Bending with Bryan Konietzko and Sifu Kisu
- Avatar Super Deformed Shorts:
- Bending Battle
- Swamp Skiin’ Throwdown
- School Time Shipping
- Escape From the Spirit World: Animated Graphic Novel
Book Three: Fire
- Disc 1
- Awakening
- The Headband
- The Painted Lady
- Sokka’s Master
- The Beach
- Special Features:
- Audio Commentary by Creators & Crew (Episodes 4 & 5)
- Disc 2
- The Avatar and the Firelord
- The Runaway
- The Puppetmaster
- Nightmares and Daydreams
- The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion
- Special Features:
- Audio Commentary by Creators & Crew (Episodes 6 & 10)
- Disc 3
- The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse
- The Western Air Temple
- The Firebending Masters
- The Boiling Rock, Part 1
- The Boiling Rock, Part 2
- Special Features
- Audio Commentary by Creators & Crew
- Disc 4
- The Southern Raiders
- The Ember Island Players
- Sozin’s Comet, Part 1: The Phoenix King
- Sozin’s Comet, Part 2: The Old Masters
- Sozin’s Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno
- Sozin’s Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang
- Special Features:
- Bonus Audio Commentary by Creators, Cast, & Crew on all 6 Chapters
- Disc 5
- The Women of Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Book 3 Finale Pencil Test Animation
- Into the Fire Nation at San Diego Comic-Con
You can get “Avatar: The Last Airbender” Complete Series at most major retailers on online at Amazon.com
We received a pre-release copy in order to do this review. All opinions are 100% our own.
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