Last week I was able to go on a press trip for Disney and a part of that was spent with Leigh-Allyn Baker at a special screening of her new movie Bad Hair Day that premieres tonight on the Disney Channel! You can read the interview with Leigh-Allyn HERE. It is so great! Gather your family together and get your snacks ready. This is a great movie for all ages, but has a great message for your tween and teen daughters. As a parent I loved it and can’t wait to watch it with my kids. Leigh-Allyn and Laura did an awesome job that will have you laughing the whole time. It premieres tonight on the Disney Channel at 8 PM EST.

I have had several “Bad Hair Day’s” in my thirty-something years and I know that many of you can relate. As a young girl, teenager, or even in college, we sometimes lose site of ourselves and become totally reliant on what other’s think of us. “Bad Hair Day” is a great film that will help girls realize that other’s opinions of you is not what makes you special – it is what is on the inside that counts.

Sometimes things don’t go the way they were planned, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t change up the game and do things our own way instead of someone else’s. I love how Monica (Laura Marano) and Liz (Leigh-Allyn Baker) come from completely different worlds and throughout the course of the film, learn from each other and grow in amazing ways. There is a lot of great messages in the movie laced with great comedy and overall the movie is really great. It is one I can see my girls watching regularly
Here are some shots of my favorite scenes in the movie:

You can see a preview of the movie on Disney.com HERE. It is so funny! Your family will love it!
Join Leigh-Allyn Baker and Laura Marano for a Twitter Chat tonight at 8 PM est. Send your questions using #BadHairDay and follow the Disney Channel at @DisneyChannel
Be sure to connect with them on:
FACEBOOK | https://www.facebook.com/DisneyChannel
TWITTER | https://twitter.com/DisneyChannel
INSTAGRAM | http://instagram.com/DisneyChannel
Be sure to tune in tonight 2/13 – at 8 PM EST on the Disney Channel to watch!
The kids and I watched the movie over the weekend and thought it was very cute. I do like how they focused on not worrying about what other people thinks and just being yourself.
I hope this re runs. It looks like such a fun, non cartoon, movie I can watch with my girls. Love shows like this and Disney ones at that.
I have not heard of this movie before! I am going to have to watch this looks like a great Disney movie!
She’s cute even with bad hair. That movie does look really cute and funny!!
What a great movie! I love that Disney promotes girls’ self esteem so well!! its so true -what matters most is what you think of you-no one else! Great job-can’t wait to watch!