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Having a good morning routine can make a huge difference in how productive you are. It was one of my goals this year to develop a better morning routine so that I can be more productive. Along with exercise, a schedule, and to-do-lists, I also know that a good diet will affect my mood and productivity. Foods that are natural, non-gmo, and free of artificial sweeteners give me more energy and help me concentrate better. One food in particular that I like eating in the mornings are grapefruit, but my schedule often doesn’t allow me to take the time to eat it. I grew up eating a lot of grapefruit. Mom, Dad, Grandma, or Grandpa would cut open 2 or 3 grapefruit almost every morning for breakfast. It was always the same exact way, cut down the middle, pass me a half, and hand me the “grapefruit spoon” (spoon with ridges and point on the end specifically for eating grapefruit.) I understand how good and healthy it is for me to eat grapefruit, and I personally love the way it tastes, but I hate how much work it is to dig out each little individual section of fruit with the spoon. And then I still had to eat around the giant seeds. The Dole Grapefruit Cups are so much easier and allow me to have that healthy part of my morning back.
When my wife introduced me to the dole grapefruit cups made with 100% real fruit juice instead of the nasty syrup or plain water that most packaged fruit is accompanied with, my heart actually skipped a beat with joy. I couldn’t wait to tear open the package and taste it. I honestly think that I have purposely avoided grapefruit as an adult because I hated the process with the spoon and the seeds. Eating the dole grapefruit cup was like little bites of wonderful memories. Now every time I eat a dole grapefruit cup I think of my grandparents who have passed on. I loved them very much and I love that these yummy grapefruit cups help me remember them.
I wanted to continue my family tradition of eating grapefruit and also help my kids develop a good morning routine and now I feel like I can with ease. I have enjoyed the portability of the cups without the mess of packing big bulky fruit around. They are also great for taking to work and eating during a break. The convenient cups make them easy to eat anywhere and have a great nutritious snack on the go. But my favorite is just sitting down with all my kids early in the morning and enjoying the dole grapefruit cups together. Thank you dole for helping keep my family tradition alive and much more enjoyable.
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I’m the same way as you were, I skip grapefruit because it’s such a hassle. It’s one of my favorites though so I’m going to have to try this!
I need a better morning routine. I am just not a morning person so it is always a struggle.
I am not a morning person either, but I feel so much better and get so much more done throughout the day when I get up early.
I’m so excited to see they have those cups. I sure love red grapefruit, any grapefruit actually!
My morning routines are always so hectic. I definitely need a better one. And I love grapefruit!
A good morning routine is so important and I actually eat grapefruit daily as part of mine! I have never tried these though and will have to pick some up!
A good breakfast is needed for a great early start to the day!
I love grapefruit! Thank youfor the reminder to keep breakfast healthy- even when it needs to be quick!
I have never really enjoyed grapefruit, but that was as a child. I might give it another try as an adult. These look very convenient.
My mouth is watering from those pictures of the grapefruit. I must find them at the store too!
Mmmm, I love grapefruit. I’m glad Dole is making them in a cup! So easy.