We received these as part of the Peppa Pig ambassador program. All opinions are our own. I love being a Peppa Pig Ambassador! We are able to have a ton of fun with the new Peppa Pig toys, clothes, games, movies, book and so much more that come out. My daughter and her friends and cousins LOVE Peppa Pig so it makes it even more fun when a new surprise shows up for her to share with them. We just got a Christmas box packed full, from Peppa Pig and her friends and I can’t wait to share it with you to help give you some ideas on things to get for your little ones for Christmas, upcoming birthdays, parties, and more!
She loved the box with the book, movie and other surprises, especially the Peppa Pig stocking packed full of fun goodies and toys! Her little cousin fits in the slippers so she is going to give them to her for Christmas. She has already read the book (with and without me) several times, watched the movie, played with the toys and enjoyed a sucker or two. Kenzie and her siblings have also had a lot of fun with the coloring pages.
If you are looking for Peppa Pig Christmas gifts, you can order online, look in stores, or even make some DIY crafts! We are going to be sharing some fun ones soon so check back for those. I hope your littles have as much fun with their Peppa Pig Christmas gifts as mine has!
Just walking around stores yesterday doing some Christmas shopping, I saw many of these items and you can also order online and still get them in time for Christmas! Be sure to look for them while you are doing your last minute Christmas shopping, and look online at places like Amazon.com, Kohls.com, Target.com, to get even more ideas of where you can go. Get the full list of everything we got in our box here: http://www.peppapig.com/grown-ups/stockings
Merry Christmas!
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