This post has been sponsored by Pedia–Lax®. All thoughts and reviews are my own. Having kids brings all different kinds of things with it. Everything from the happiest memories down to the stuff you really would rather forget – like being sick. Being a mom of four kids has taught me so much about what to expect, but each kid is still different and so you always have to be prepared. That is why today I want to talk about ways to help treat constipation in kids.
One thing that seems tabu to talk about is tummy problems like being constipated. It is a very common problem, and you need to be prepared. Have you ever had your kids come out of the bathroom and tell you that it hurt when they tried to poop? Do they have stomach pains, bloating or other similar issues? It is likely constipation.
Many years ago, my oldest suffered from bowl retention. It was a long journey with a lot of trial and errors, but after only a year or two, she was able to overcome it. Great products like Pedia–Lax® helped a lot to soften her stools.
There are many reasons why your child may experience constipation like their diet, not enough water, exercise, or even allergies. Make sure you are proactive in helping them stay healthy. If by chance they start to have problems, I recommend these ways to help treat constipation in kids:
- Make sure they are drinking a lot of water
- Eat foods that are high in fiber
- Use Pedia–Lax® chewable tablets (stool softener)
- Have them move around and get their body digesting
- Give them enough toilet time – make sure they don’t feel rushed
- While going potty, make sure they are relaxed (reading a story or something similarly distracting helps a lot)
Once the problem goes away, don’t let them slip back into old habits. Make sure they continue to drink enough water, have enough fiber, and do plenty of exercises. Also be sure to keep a bottle of Pedia–Lax® (kids oral laxative) on hand in case they need it.
Information about Pedia-Lax®:
Sixty-five percent of parents (of children aged 2 – 11) admit to treating their children’s constipation with an adult laxative, but there have been reports of sides effects in children, like behavioral and speech issues, resulting from one of the main ingredients in adult laxatives. Therefore, pediatric specialist, Dr. Nina Shapiro, urges parents to choose treatment options that are specifically made for children, like Pedia-Lax®.
Pedia-Lax® is the only pediatric brand offering a full line of laxative products that are fast, safe and specifically made just for kids to help support digestive health and ease constipation. Pedia-Lax® products are available in a variety of forms to meet a child’s specific needs.
Pedia-Lax® Chewable Tablets are formulated for kids ages 2-11, come in a tasty watermelon flavor and provide quick relief (within 30 minutes) and last up to 6 hours. They offer a gentle relief without the painful cramping sometimes associated with laxatives.
We want you to be prepared like we are, so we are hosting a giveaway thanks to Pedia–Lax®. One lucky reader will win a $25 Visa Gift Card as well as a sample of Pedia–Lax® to try with their kids. Entering is easy, just wait for the Rafflecoptor to load below and enter for your chance to win! This is open to US. Must be 18 or older. Sweepstakes will run from 10/1/18 through 10/8/18.
This contest is not endorsed or sponsored by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google or any other social media. The winner will be chosen using Random.org. The winner will be contacted via email. The winner is responsible for contacting me within 24 hours, or a new winner will be chosen. Prize is provided by Pedia-Lax®. Lovebugs & Postcards and Daddy by Day are not responsible for prize fulfillment. Good Luck!
We give them plenty of fluids.
We give them a warm
Bath, get them all cozy in our bed and rub their tummy.
7UP and saltines usually help them feel better.
Ginger Ale or Pickle Juice and lots of snuggles on the couch!
I give lots of fluids to my kids and help them rest up.
I give lots of fluids to my kids and help them rest up.
I give my children ginger ale when they have stomach aches.
I usually gave my kids a few saltine crackers
Rest and soup.
I usually get them crackers or pretzels and some soda.
Rest, orange juice, and toast. It is so horrible, and I feel helpless when my child is sick.
Saltines… warm blanket… and mommy time
We always rehydrate with Gatordate and get plenty of rest.
We try to rest and stay comfortable
I normally make them something that will soothe their stomachs and try a heat pack on it too!
I check to see what they recently ate when their stomachs are upset.
I give them clear liquids and if able to eat I give the plain toast or saltines. I make sure they get lots of rest and TLC.
They get saltines & plenty of water.
I give them 7 Up and pepto bismol
7=up or ginger ale, soda crackers, and monitor to make certain that is all it is.
I give them 7-up.
I give them ginger ale and jello or saltines
I give my child a carbonated soda when she gets an upset tummy. Thanks for the giveaway!
Chicken soup crackers and rest. Pepto bismol.
I have them drink a warm Sprite.
I usually give them pepto bismo or tums
I offer crackers and ginger ale. Just try to keep a bucket near by in case.
lay down to rest and i give them soup and water.
lay down to rest and i give them soup.
I give them homemade chicken soup and lots of liquids
I have my son drink Prune Juice
Ginger ale and comfort.
We usually give the kids a little prune juice!
Toast and water, with lots of snuggles.
soft music and reading!
Flattened Sprite and saltine crackers.
I make them a warm mint tea, rub their tummy and depending if they have pooped recently give them prune juice.
Cuddles with mommy. 🙂
Crackers and ginger ale!
I usually give my son ginger ale.
ginger ale and saltines
honestly i have them chew a tums
Ginger ale, saltines and a nap.
My kids get flat ginger ale and crackers if they are up to eating
Usually give them water and soup!
Ginger Ale and rest works.
Saltine crackers and ginger ale.
Rest, and maybe some 7up and crackers or applesauce.
I have my kids lay down when they have an upset tummy. I will give them appropriate medication when needed.
crackers, bread or rice always helps their tummies!
Let them rest and take probiotics.
I give him pepto-bismal.
I give em 7 up and saltine crackers…you know like momma gave me
I’ll usually make them tea!
Ginger ale is what I go to first for tummies.
i give them papaya to chew and it usually settles their stomachs quickly
i have sprite and saltines on hand
My kiddos love crackers and ginger ale when they have upset tummies!
Ginger ale often is helpful for upset stomachs.
Lots of fluid like 7-up and saltine crackers.
7-up and Saltines.
We give them ginger ale and crackers and usually have them lay down.
I usually give them 7up and lots of rest. Thank you
I don’t have kids, but I would give them some Children’s Pepto Bismol, or Ginger Ale.
Pepto Bismol and they usually lay down
Give them saltine crackers and 7-up
I lay down in bed and try to sleep
Usually let them lay down and rest and give them some Sprite to drink
I let the kids drink ginger ale or brew them a sweet ginger tea
I give them ginger ale and saltine crackers.
It depends on what the issue is. If his stomach is unsettled then water, rest and saltines or plain toast can help. For constipation then water and movement. Probiotics can also help with regularity.
I usually have them lay down and rest.
I have them lay down for a while.
Lots of fluids no food for awhile
I usually give my kids ginger ale or tea.
Usually a heating pad and rest.
I give my kids plain food, like toast.
Have them drink water.
hot tea and toast
No kids. I brew up a cup of mint tea.
Thanks for the contest.
stick to the brat diet
I usually give them some 7-up and toast.
I make tea with honey or give them some ginger ale.
water seems to help my daughter
I give them ginger ale and saltine crackers.
I give mine prune juice
I give them ginger ale.
I give them some ginger ale and some crackers.
I give them 7-up and crackers.
Ginger tea or sipping on flat coke…and cuddles
We use ginger and honey for comfort kids.
I give my nephew some 7up with crackers.
I give my daughter ginger ale when she has an upset stomach
Ginger ale or some medication for children.
I give them ginger ale and some toast to see if I can settle their stomach!
Clear liquids and rest seem to help.
I give them Pedialyte to drink and have them rest.
I give them ginger ale.
I make her drink plenty of water and we go for gentle walks to keep active.
I give them water and apple juice to drink. I also give them flaxseed.
I try to get them to drink plenty of water!
Give them medicine for the particular problem and let them rest.
They lay down and rest. then we treat the problem depending on symptoms.