I have received information, product, and materials from McNeil Consumer Pharmaceuticals Co., the makers of PEPCID®. The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post for Mom It Forward.
I don’t know how you feel about heartburn – but to me it is something that I would rather not deal with AT ALL. There are more than 25 million adults who experience daily heartburn. I am one of those more often that I like. There are several reasons for the cause of heartburn, and one perfect solution to relieve it – PEPCID®. If you want heartburn relief fast then keep reading…if you like to suffer and act tough even though there is a volcano inside your chest then, well, to each their own… 😉
I think pretty much everyone has been there before – you are enjoying your meal, drink, or whatever and all of sudden you get this uncomfortable heartburn. I have tried other antacids and none of them seam to work as long or as fast as PEPCID® Complete. I love that it helps with acid indigestion. I can eat the foods I love and drink the drinks I like without having to worry about hours of discomfort – it works fast and lasts all day.
Taste is something you are always concerned with when you try a chewable tablet. I have tried many kinds of antacids and most of them leave my mouth feeling chalky and with a bad taste. PEPCID® Complete had a great berry flavor that actually didn’t hang around to long and my mouth didn’t suffer any adverse effects. My daughter actually opened the bottle and smelled it and was like WOW! That smells really good. I told her it tastes just as good too!
If you want a product that will help with acid indigestion – you will love the great taste and fast relief from PEPCID® Complete. They also have PEPCID®AC® which can be taken before or after a meal to combat heartburn.
Visit www.Pepcid.com and www.Facebook.com/Pepcid for more information and a money saving coupon.
I have received information, product, and materials from McNeil Consumer Pharmaceuticals Co., the makers of PEPCID®. The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post for Mom It Forward.
I have heartburn a lot and I have never tried this before. I will have to try it. Thanks for sharing.
My husband suffers from heartburn. He could use all the help he can get. I think he’s tried Pepcid AC before.
Heartburn is pretty miserable and I completely agree – you want something that works FAST. Glad to hear that the Pepcid does that. I’ll have to try it the next time I’ve got heartburn
I think my parents take that. I don’t seem to get heartburn and that’s a good thing. Great info I know how bad it can hurt though.
I live on spicy food and sometimes it’ll come back to get me in the heartburn department. Great review on something I swear by having on hand, it was a godsend during my pregnancies as well!