DIY: How to capture fruit flies in a bottle
We like to have fresh fruit and veggies around and in return it seems like we have fruit flies about occasionally. It gets really annoying and gross really fast and so I learned a little trick about how to capture fruit flies that has helped a lot over the years. Simply take a cup or jar, or bottle, and add pieces of fruit in the bottom. Cover it with a baggie or piece of saran wrap, and then secure the plastic to the bottle. (I used an old hair tie). Once you have the plastic secure, you will want to take the sharp end of a knife and poke little holes in the top (only two or three) and not to big, so that they can climb in but have a harder time climbing back out.
I leave it out where there seems to be the most amount of them and with in two-three days we have collected most of them in the jar. Once I feel like most of the fruit flies have been collected I take the bottle/cup out and just throw it away. If its glass I will dump it into the garbage and wash it out for another use.

Another way to to this is to take a wide mouth jar, and fill it about 1/2 full of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR (must use this kind). Then add a few drops of dish soap and fill it the rest of the way full of water. You will want the bubbles coming over the top, as this is what will trap the fruit flies. The scent of the vinegar will attract them and the fruit flies will fly into the bubbles and not be able to get out. You should be able to capture most of the fruit flies within 48 hours.
This is a great tip, no more fruit flies!!