My 3 year old just had a fun Princess birthday. I like to decorate for birthdays and leave it up for a few days so they feel like they are queen (or king) of the “castle” for a while. I was thinking of ways to make some fun decorations without spending a lot and I came across a fun idea to have (something to hang over the door) like a curtain made from tablecloths (the kind you can buy for like $1 at most stores). I grabbed three of my daughters favorite colors (yellow, pink, and purple) and kind of made it up as I went. I turned out really cute though, so I wanted to share.
First you will take all three tablecloths and open them all the way up, and line up the shortest edges together. Once you have them even, you will want to roll the top down 2-4 turns (the more the stronger, but to much and you won’t be able to staple it). Grab a stapler, and secure it about every 4-6 inches along the folded top (as pictured below).
Once you have the top folded and stapled, you will want to lay it down and fold the tablecloths up until it looks like pictured below (about 8-12 inches unfolded).
Once you have it folded up, take a pair of sharp scissors and cut strips that are about 2 inches in width. I cut about 5-6 at a time.
After you have a few strips cut, stop for a second and tie the top of each section. (as pictured below). This will help reinforce that section and will look really elegant as well.
It will take a little time to do all of them, but it looks so great when you get it done!
Using push pins or thumb tacks, you can hang this in front of any door way, or even as a back drop to your tables. I put one behind out table as well that double as a place for treats and gifts. They are so cute to have, and really add a lot to the decor for any party.
I think our curtain made from tablecloths turned out perfect!
You can see how happy my baby was about having her own “walkway” to go in and out of in her new Princess dress. We are now going to make one for Halloween to hang in the walkway because everyone loved it so much!
You can view more fun party ideas here:
Just Pretend Kids Fairytale Princess Sweet Treats Cupcake Birthday Party
Disney Frozen Olaf Build a Snowman Printable
Planes Fire and Rescue Birthday Party SmokeJumper Game {Free Printable}
Planes: Fire and Rescue Birthday Invitation {Free Printable}
Disney FROZEN Birthday Invitation {with free printables}
How to plan a party (step by step guide) + free Printable Party Planning Checklist
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