DIY: How to sew your own Halloween Trick or Treat Bags
My kids are getting really excited for Halloween, and we wanted to do something fun and crafty so we decided to sew our own trick or treat bags. My two oldest wanted Pumpkins, and my two younger ones are getting Ghosts. We found a roll of quilted batting at our local thrift store for $1 so we used that and cut it up into the right patterns (which we made up lol), and then we found some cheap orange and white material to use for the outside. I want it to be something that will last for a few years at least.
We first cut out the size of the pumpkin that we wanted and also a piece of orange material to match – you will need two of each, so just fold whatever you are using in half to cut it and it will be the same. (take a large piece of orange material and fold it in half, then cut our your pumpkin pattern, and this way both sides will be the same).
Once you have the pieces cut out, use a pencil and draw a light oval for the mouth of the pumpkin (make sure to leave enough room for eyes and nose above it). This is going to be the only opening and where they will put the candy so make sure that it is big enough. Once you have the mouth drawn, cut it out by pinching the middle of the mouth and snipping it to create a small hole – then go from the center of the circle to cut it out. Be sure to leave extra orange material. I didn’t do this on my first one and it made it harder.
Once I got the mouth done, then I cut out triangles for the eyes and nose then I sewed them on. I also cut out a random pattern for the mouth and sewed that on as well.
Once the eyes, nose, and mouth were all done, then I used green felt and cut out a stem and sewed it together then turned it inside out so the seam wasn’t showing.
We used long scraps of material and ribbon to make the handle. I just did a braid and then I added some decorative yarn for personality. I pinned these on the inside of the pumpkin, putting the pieces that you want facing out when its done, facing each other while you sew it, because you will turn it inside out and that is what will be showing. You will want to put a piece of orange material on the back of the “back piece” so when you turn it, that will be the inside and that is what will show through the mouth. (as you can see below, make sure there is orange showing through when you sew it.)
When your bag is done, it should look like a pumpkin face with the mouth opening where the candy will go. You will want to make it tall so that the candy doesn’t spill out. It was a lot of fun and I know that my kids will love these for years to come!
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