Dog Booties
Winter is a very cold time of year, with ice, snow and more on the ground all season long. We often take measures to make sure that we cover up and protect ourselves, but do we always think about our pets before we take them outside?
One thing you need to make sure you are doing is putting dog booties over your dog’s paws before they go out. This will protect their tender paws from the burning cold ground, ice, snow, and salt (which can be harmful). If you don’t want to worry about dog booties or your dog won’t wear them or you can’t find ones that fit, you can always use other products like paw protection wax that helps protect paws from sand, hot pavement, salt, and ice.
Dog booties come in all different varieties from socks to pad “stickers” to actual booties that velcro around the ankle. These are great for all different kinds of weather and surfaces. If you are going hiking, hunting, walking or just playing at the park, dog booties are definitely something you should consider.
Dog Winter Care Tips
If you have a dog or dogs, you need to take measure to keep your pets safe and warm in the winter. This will ensure that your pet is healthy and well cared for.
- Bring them inside in the winter to live, especially at night
- Don’t leave them outside for very long, especially without a coat/sweater and booties to keep them warm and protected. They can develop frostbite on their ears, nose, paws, and tail easily.
- Use a paw protection wax or balm on their paws regularly to keep them healthy
- Make sure that they stay hydrated and well fed (but NOT overfed)
- Brush them and keep them groomed year round
- Take them out to go for walks or play around regularly so they can get a lot of exercise
- Make sure your dog has a warm, soft place to sleep
- Keep your pets away from heat sources (portable heaters, fires, etc)
- Don’t leave your pet unattended in a vehicle (ever)
- Keep them safe from things like ice melt, antifreeze, and other poisons
- Put dog booties over their paws to help protect them from hot, cold, stickers, etc.
Also be aware of things like snow so that it doesn’t pile up and create an escape route over the fence. Try and get ice melt that is pet safe. Keep them on a leash when you are walking them and be aware of what they play with and where they play.
With just a little precaution you will be able to keep your puppy safe through the winter and make sure he/she is happy, healthy and warm.
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