Do you ever feel like it might not be worth it to print out coupons because of the amount of ink you are using? Want to know how you can save money on ink when you are printing coupons?
I felt that way for a long time until my hubby got me a nice inexpensive laser printer! In the last year I have spent about $19 on a toner cartridge and I bet I have printed over 1,000 pages of coupons! (not to mention all of the other things I print on a regular basis). This is just one advantage of a Laser Printer.
Another reason why you should have a laser printer is it keeps sites (like coupons.com) that think everything needs to be printed in color, to print only in black and white. I have NEVER had a problem with a store accepting my coupon because it is black and white and not color!
This time of year there are great sales on laser printers and it will be well worth the little bit you would spend now, because you would save hundreds of dollars over the next months when you don’t have to run out and buy ink.
Speaking of ink, it also important to check and see how much the toner cartridges are. If they are more than $20-$25 for a pack then you are paying to much and need to look for a different printer. NOT INK Cartridges, but TONER cartridges. The difference is that you can get about 1500-2000 prints out of a toner cartridge and for an ink cartridge you will get about 180-250 prints, maybe. There is just no question about it, if you print off coupons, or print out a lot of papers, it would be well worth it to get a laser printer. (Early Christmas Gift 😉 )
Here are my recommendations:
Samsung ML-3312ND Laser Printer
Canon D420 Laser Copier/Printer
Samsung ML-2165W Wireless Laser Printer
Konica Minolta Magicolor 1600W Laser Printer
(Please note: This is just my opinion and I have never used these printers so I don’t know how many pages they will yeild. I am just going off of general information)
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