Today is Day 2 of the 5 Days of Flash Giveaways for hitting 10,000 Facebook Fans! Yesterday we did a $35 Gift Card. Today is another HOT Prize!
There will be Two Winners for this Giveaway. They will each win:
40 (10 sets of 4) of the 1/29 Inserts Sponsored by Insert Insanity ($26 Value)
(That is Two Redplum, One SmartSource, and One P&G in EACH set, and you will get 10 sets!)!
1 Coupon Clutch from ($15 Value)
These are great for storing coupons or grocery lists, they have several dividers, and are helpful for going in
your purse or shopping cart, especially on trips when you don’t want/need to bring your big binder!
Tomorrow, another AWESOME giveaway will start at 11:59 pm EST!
Today’s Giveaway is for (1) 10 Pack of Inserts and (1) Coupon Clutch each for two winners. Contest will run from 12:01 AM on 1/29 (Sunday) to 12:01 AM on 1/31 (Tuesday)! There are no mandatory entries, but the more you do, the better your chances of winner are. Open to the US only. Must be 18 or older to enter.
This giveaway is sponsored by Insert Insanity and
THANK YOU to all of you for making this possible. You are amazing and I appriciate all of your support! Good Luck!
I love to use my coupons at Walmart. So far I do a pretty good job of finding an item on sale and then having a coupon also ๐
The grocery store or Walmart!
I like rite aid cause you get the aid early in the mail and they try and but the things on sale to go with the coupons and have a little thing that says coupon in most Sunday papers so u know if u didn’t get a coupon to get a different paper.
I love Target and Walgreens! Target has store coupons to match up, and Walgreens does too!
I like Stop & Shop, because I earn money off gas – it’s a win-win for me!
My favorite store to shop is Albertsons I live in the NW so we still get dblrs and its the only store around that dbls ever!
Target is my favorite. I like to match their sales with their store coupons and manufacturer coupons.
Dillions doubles and walmart with comp prices!
Cvs because they dont give me any hassle using coupons and I tend to get great deals especially with the ecb. Love it =)
Would have to say cvs and publix.
walmart it has good stuff
Target, could use manufactures coupon with target coupon
Publix! Because they take a competitor and manufacturer coupon for each item (even the free items in BOGO’s)!
Commissary and Wal mart because those are the only 2 stores I shop at!
Thank you!!
Walgreens, because I am addicted to Register Rewards!
I like walgreens and krogers
Woods grocery store because they double coupons up to 50 cents everyday but then if I drive 22 miles- then it’s Walmart.
Tom Thumb (Safeway) here because Kroger no longer doubles and triples coupons.
CVS They are really great about taking coupons and hey any store that gives you money back to shop at their store is a winner in my book lol
i love walgreens because i can get a lot of free items and because of register rewards!
Commissary and wal mart.
Thank you!!
Most definitely Walmart.
walmart so new to this ๐
Publix because it’s local & they take a variety of competitor coupons as well.
i love shopping at kroger because mine doubles to a dollar
walmart is my favorite store to shop at with coupons
Walmart they pricematch so do all shopping at 1 store and still get lowest price
Walmart! I love the deals that I get there!
I love using mine at Walmart especially with the comp ads
well since I learned how to coupon better, Riteaid is my fave place to coupon
Love Cvs, can get some great deals there with coupons and ECB!
CVS is my favorite because they are always having sales and the cvs card helps to save even more
My favorite is cvs
I find the best deals where I live is at CVS
I have found the best deals at CVS
I would have to say Target. I love Target plus they always have some teriffic buys and with coupons it makes it even better
wal-mart because they price match
I like walgreens or cvs because I can always find some great deals there
I would have to say CVS and Wlagreens ๐
I would have to say that I lve shopping at Walgreens with coupons ๐
I like rite aid and walgreens
I like to shop at Walgreens with coupons because I get the best deals from combining Manufacturers coupons with store coupons, rebates, and register rewards. Congrats on making it to 10,000 fans and thanks for the chance to win!!
Target. I love it when they have a manufacturer cooupon and a target coupon. I have gotten many free toys there! ๐
My favorite is Krogers because most of the time we can get our food cheapest there between the sales and the coupons.
davandihamilton (at) gmail (dot) com
CVS and Walgreens because you get money back on some items!!
Homeland, because they double up to $1.00.
Being in Florida we don’t have many options – no doubling, etc – but Publix has become my first favorite store, for groceries and occasionally cleaning supplies and even makeup/deodorant etc. Target and Walgreens are tied for second. I’m really not a hige CVS fan, unless it’s milk on sale!
My favorite couponing store is CVS. I love their sales with coupons and ExtraCare Bucks!
kroger is my favorite because i also earn point to use for cents off my gas ,and they have thier own coupons you can use too
Marsh is my favorite store! Sometimes I get surprised & they TRIPLE the coupons!!
meijer because they are the only ones around here who double
I like Publix because they double them up to .50 cents. That makes whatever product I have a better deal!
Pathmark is by far my favorite.
I have been shopping at Food Lion but they are closing so I guess I will be shopping at Winn Dixie!
Fred Meyer because you can load coupons to your card and then have your own coupons with you. Also because the people who work their are so friendly and helpful!!
Publix and Walmart
Price Chopper use to be my favorite before they changed their coupon policy. I still shop there but I am using more coupons at Walmart and Rite Aid.
I like Price Chopper, they double up to .99
I love to coupon shop at Publix, they have great BIGI sales and they double coupons up to 50 cents and accept some competitors coupons, too!!
Thanks ๐
Walmart & Smiths are my favorite because of the low prices, and Smith’s bonus buys. ๐
i usually shop at target
My favorite store is price chopper, they double coupons, take competitors coupons, (which also includes EB, RR, UP+ rewards!
CVS and Kroger because I can get food at kroger for cheap and at Cvs cheap house items
Fav store to shop at w/coupons is either Walmart with price matching, or Albertsons when they do their double coupons or round ups. Fred Meyer is great too, to stack store and manufacturer coupons.
I love to shop at CVS and Publix. They never give me a hard time about coupons and I always get great deals!
My favorite store for coupons is Walmart. A lot of people complain about them, but my local store is great about coupons. We don’t have an stores that double or I would be there. ๐
Walmart because it has the best prices of the stores within 20 miles of my house.
I posted twice. I’m sorry. I’m not sure how to delete one of them.
use to be kroger before they changed the coupon policy…now its mostly HEB I can get pretty gooddeals there with coupons
Walmart because it’s the best story within 20 miles of my home.
I’m starting to like shopping at Target they usually have good sales plus the stacking of coupons always work too. Never was a big fan of Target I always thought they were pretty expensive but it just depends…plus I’ve gotten this cashier who is like ecstatic when you use coupons! LOL!
I love shopping at Target with coupons.
Krogers followed by CVS
HEB is where we do most of our shopping. I like using coupons because to start with HEB always have great specials and their own coupons too, and you can save even more by using coupons.
Walmart, but I also like coupons for JC Penny’s, Belk, places like that, because sometimes you get some good coupons. Thanks for the giveaway.
CVS for sales and coupons and ECBs, but King Kullen doubles $1 coupons
I love to use my coupons at Walmart, always find such great deals!
My favorite store to shop with coupons is king soopers because I can use their coupons plus the manufactures coupons.
Uncles…my totals r always right.
I like using my local grocery store because they double coupons
Harris Teeter, CVS, Walgreens and BiLo
I would have to say Walmart as can always find good deals and no one does double coupons here.Thanks for this chance!
My favorite place to shop is Lance’s County Market. They triple coupons up to 50 cents
every Thursday.
My favorite store to use coupons at is Festival. The people that check you out are always friendly to couponers and they actually ask you if you have any coupons to use that day. ๐
My favorite place to shop is Ralph’s they offer double value on coupons.
I like to shop at krogers because they double coupons, but If I find a deal at other stores I will go there too.
Rite aid, because I can stack coupons and get tons of free stuff!
Walmart regularly… and Bilo too Bilo doubles every day! ๐
I like Giant Eagle because they double, and I earn free or cheap gas all the time.
i really enjoy doing deals at rite aid and cvs… but use coupons wherever and whenever i shop ๐
i like walgreens ๐
My favorite store to use coupons– Pick n’ Save. They do double coupons. There’s only one other store that doubles around here.
I use most of my coupons at HEB and Walgreens. I have to force myself to go shopping at Walmart so I try to use as many coupons as possible when I go.
Walgreens, because I love that they have a coupon book.
I love shopping at target with coupons can I can combine printable target coupons with Manufactor coups!
I love Target because of the stacking of store and manufacture coupons. I used to love walgreens but someone in the area now clears their shelves Sunday morning. They don’t usually have enough for the week. ๐
What is your favorite store to shop at with coupons? That would have to be Target.
Why? because they let me stack their store coupon with a manufacturers coupon.
CVS I love the cash back and the many freebies ๐
Walmart is where I do my grocery shopping and where I use the majority of my coupons. My fave place to use my coupons are at Krogers though because in my opinion Kroger seems more expensive than Walmart on groceries.
My favorite store to use coupons is CVS and Walmart..
I like to shop in a variety of stores, wherever I can find the best deals. Kroger, walmart, etc.
CVS atm because I seem to find good deals there (and the nearest Walmart is 45 min away)
I find my best deals using coupons at CVS, Walmart, and Kroger’s. Thank you for this giveaway. ๐
I seem to find the best deals at Walmart and Target lately…
My favorite stores are Meijer & Kroger because they both double
I love Walgreens because they don’t give me a hard time for me to use my coupons
My favorite store to shop at with coupons is Lowes Food because they are the only store in my area that doubles up to $0.75 for the first twenty coupons. I would prefer to shop at Walmart because their prices are generally better than any other store around here, but I end up with a very bad headache when I shop there! The majority of their cashiers are not trained properly when it comes to coupon useage and price matching. Thanks to each of the sponsors for the chance to win some coupons inserts!!!! I would LOVE to win a set of these, because I cannot afford to buy any papers lately and my coupon stash is very low!! Thanks again and I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that I win!!! ๐
Giant Eagle because they double coupons up to .99 cents and they have fuel perks !
I haven’t done coupons too much yet, but want to get into them! The ones I do use and have have been well-accepted at Wal-Mart.
I love using them at Meijer or Marsh because they double
Walmart would be my favorite place to use coupons ๐
I like to shop at Walmart because I worked there for 16 years and can get my comp ads and transactions done easily because they know that I know what I’m talking about. Lots of experience with getting the best deals.
Walmart because it is more convenient.
Winco and Target are where I do the best with coupons.
my favorite store is CVS because I can get great deals with coupons and ECBs!
Shop Rite, It’s our local grocery store
We don’t have anywhere here that doubles, so I would have to say the commissary because it has lower prices (for the most part).
I would say Walmart ๐
Only because I don’t get much hassle when I use coupons there.
Walgreens. Always has all i need, and i love the RR’s!
my favorite stores to shop coupons at are vons and walmart because the transactions usually go pretty smoothly… please pick me!!!!!!! I really need the coupon clutch.. my ziploc baggies are wearing out!!! thanks for the giveaway.
mostly walmart less hassle with the coupons
Shoprite, Walmart and Stop n Shop, depending on the day and the deals!
Ingles…i get really great deals there with sales and coupons!
Giant Eagle because they double coupons and have good sales!
Meijer because they are the only store near me that will accept the freebie coupons and the printed coupons…and they always have great sales ๐
My local Safeway because its the most convenient.
mine is walmart because i love to shop there all the time
My favorite store to shop at with coupons is Wegmans. There’s no particular reason why other than the cashiers just seem to be quicker about scanning them and the store is one of the best in my area. ๐
Walmart…mainly because it’s one of the only places around here that takes coupons!
the grocery store
I like to shop Walgreens because i can use the manufacture coupons on top of their coupons. ๐
I would have to say Target or WinnDixie because of all the great deals you can get at both.
Harris Teeter or Food Lion. Cheap groceries are always perfection!
I love shopping at Kroger with coupons. My Kroger employees are actually trained on coupons! ๐
Giant, they double up to .99 all the time and have no limit on the amount of coupons you can use ๐
Walmart or Ingles. I like Walmart because of the price matching and one stop shopping. Ingles because they double some but not all coupons under $.50.
My favorite store to use coupons at is Walgreens/CVS…I can always get such great deals ๐
Walmart you can get some awesome deals
I would have to say price chopper because they double coupons that are 99 cents and under..