I am in the middle of really getting myself into Healthy Eating Habits. It can be really hard after all these years that I have let myself eat and drink what I want, when I want. I am ready to be healthy again and not only look good, but feel good about myself. I have been doing a lot of research and I have made a list below of what I have learned. I wanted to share with you and hopefully you can share with someone else. I feel like everything (or most everything, depending on your medical needs) are things that we can implement right now that will start making a difference. Make a list of what you want to change the most, and start there. When you have those goals met, then you can work on more.
These 25 Healthy Eating Habits will help you change your lifestyle and start you on the right track. (I would love your suggestions for others as well as what you do that helps.)
- Use whole grains
- Use substitutes like applesauce instead of oil
- Take your vitamins
- Stop eating after 7 pm or 3 hours before sleep. Don’t eat late at night. I understand time schedules – but try to avoid eating your “midnight” snacks. If you just can’t resist, grab some carrots or other veggies.
- Eat breakfast every morning
- Limit dairy intake
- Cook your meals from scratch (see a good selection of recipes here)
- Don’t eat out more than 1 a week
- Add a fruit and veggie to every meal
- Grow Your Own food
- Eat lots of greens
- Limit Bread intake
- Have meatless meals
- Buy organic
- Eat veggies for snacks
- Eat 6 small meals a day (about every three hours) instead of 3 big ones. This will keep your metabolism spiked and help to keep your from unhealthy snacking.
- Eat an apple a day
- Drink lots of water
- Limit refined sugar
- Portion control
- Mix it up – plan a meal plan with different kinds of foods each day (ie: don’t eat pasta for dinner every night)
- Substitute fruits and veggies for your regular snacks (at least once a day)
- If you are craving sugary, salty, or unhealthy foods, then reduce your portion sizes over time until you can stop eating them as often. Its ok once in a while – but moderation is key.
- If you are feeling snacky, drink a glass of water before you eat anything. You may just need hydrating.
- Fill your shopping cart with fruits and veggies and leave the unhealthy foods at the store. When I first started I focused on buying fruits and veggies or cookies, candies, and strudels at the store. (IT WAS HARD!) But when I got home and my kids grabbed the grapes or an apple or carrots to eat they felt better. I feel better when I eat those and I know that if I don’t buy it – then I won’t eat it. Shopping is half the battle.
I would love to hear your Healthy Eating Habits and what works for you and what doesn’t. I still have a lot of work to do – but I want to get back on track not just for me, but for my family. Let’s all work together. What goals do you want to focus on this week?
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