This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Holmes Products. All opinions are 100% mine.
At one point or another we have always had a space heater in our home or apartment. They just make sense. We have some places of our home that are harder to heat, and they also don’t get used as often, so instead of cranking up the heat and making the rest of the house suffer, we add a space heater to that room and let it help out. I love the new Holmes® Smart Console Heater. One of the best features of this heater is that you can control the heater anytime, from anywhere, using your smartphone or tablet. How cool is that?!? This could be used for any number of situations like being able to check the heater in your kids’ bedroom at night without having to get out of bed, or finding out that you have company coming while you are doing your grocery shopping, and you can turn the heater on while you are still at the store, and have the room ready when they get there. Our laundry room is drafty, so it would work great in there to heat it before I go down to do laundry.
The WeMo technology combined with the Holmes® brand has been able to deliver a promise of a more simplified life by being able to control and manage home electronics from anywhere. WeMo is the most affordable and simplified entry into the smart home, making managing your home easy. By being able to control your heater from anywhere, you will save money on your power bill as well as enjoying more We Moments. A “WeMoment” is the feeling of relief in being able to adjust your technology to better your life.
We all want our homes to be more energy efficient to help cut down on expensive power bills, and using a Holmes® Smart Console Heater helps with that by allowing you to only run it when you want it too, and be able to control it from an app on your phone or tablet. If your kids forget to turn it off in the morning before they go to school you can check using the app. There are just so many possibilities.
You can learn more about Holmes® Smart Console Heater and other great Holmes products on their site. It is a great idea to have one on hand, you never know when you will need it. When we lived in our apartment, we used one all the time to save on heating costs – it is nice now to heat only the areas of our home that we are in the most. I also love that it cuts down on dust an other gunk that gets into our heating vents. My daughter has asthma, and that flares up her allergies and asthma issues. Portable heaters and air purifiers from Holmes are a great way to help keep your home clean and warm.
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