The #CaptainAmericaEvent was so much fun! Not only did we see the best movie of 2016, but we also got to interview some of the great talent from The Captain America: Civil War movie. We have already shared our interviews with Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner & Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Emily VanCamp and the directors. Emily was our first interview. She is so beautiful and happy. She set the mood for the rest of the day. She came in the room with a big smile on her face, and when she left, we all had big smiles on our faces. We got to know her a lot better in the movie and during this interview and I can’t wait to share all of the details with you.

In Captain America: Civil War Emily VanCamp plays Sharon Carter (Agent 13), and she shows off some major kick butt skills. We wanted to know about her training and what it was like to get ready for the movie. She told us “It’s just a lot of working out really. I had already done some training for Revenge so it was like an easier segue into the films. But you wanna go into these movies feeling really strong and feeling fit and I wanna be able to keep up. We were wrapping Revenge while I started training for the movie which is very interesting and I kind of realized how much I should have done that for Revenge. I was fit doing Revenge but I was like oh, this is another level. I’m just not really good going into it and it’s fun. I love that stuff. I was a dancer so all that physical activity’s great and sort of helps with the sequences and stuff because ultimately it’s choreography, Yeah, I hope to get to do more of it.”

I can’t tell you how great she did in this movie. I loved getting to know her character better in the movie and seeing her attachment to Steve Rogers (Captain America) grow. She makes the perfect Agent 13, and so we wanted to know how she feels about going down in history as Agent 13. She told us “It’s really cool. It’s really cool. I mean being a part of this universe is really a special thing especially with the movies that they’re making and how good they are and it’s really, really cool and I’m really happy to do it with the people I’m doing it with because as I said everyone’s great and super talented and these movies could have been very sort of surface level but what I love about Marvel is how they delve into the characters. They sort of give us the freedom as well to create a version of the character that hopefully the fans will like and it’s a really fun process. So the fact that people love the movies is like an extra bonus.” I think saying that people love the movies is an understatement. Marvel makes the best super hero movies, and I am looking forward to many more years of them to watch with my family!

As she was telling us that Marvel gives them some creative freedom with the character, we waned to know what of her went into the character? What did she bring to the role? Emily told us “What I love about Sharon is her moral compass. I think she has a really strong moral compass and I think that’s what her and Steve initially sort of identify with each other and ultimately in the comic books it led to a very complicated relationship but there’s gotta be something that sort of brings them together as well as their love of Peggy. I think there’s an initial trust there that maybe he doesn’t have with anyone else and maybe she doesn’t have with anyone else.”
She continues with “So I really enjoyed that but I mean in terms of what I identify with? I love a girl with a strong moral compass and a lot of integrity and I think she really has that and I think you see her struggle with that within this film because she’s battling her work and her loyalty to her work. The cats rebel against that and it’s like is she gonna follow her head and her heart and we ultimately see what she does but I think people can relate to that struggle.”

Sharon Carter is a lot more prominent in this film, and in the movie she has a fight scene with Bucky (The Winder Solider). She looked awesome in the movie and so we about it. Emily told us “I probably didn’t need to do as much training as I did but I mean they have the most incredible stunt team ever and they sort of get you to a place where you’re really comfortable with the movement and you work it. It’s always challenging but it’s a lot of fun to be honest. I really love it.”
The next part talks about a minor spoiler – so if you don’t want to see it skip until the next picture…

In the movie we finally get to see some of the attachment between Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Sharon Carter (Agent 13) grow. A very tender part is when Captain America kisses Agent Carter! I kinda squealed and then did a “ahh”. It was quickly followed by humor from Falcon. A great memorable part of the film. We wanted to know more about the kiss. Emily told us “It’s kind of refreshing to see Captain in a more intimate situation and they have chemistry. It was there even in ‘The Winter’s Soldier’ I would say, so it’s kind of nice to see it finally happen.”

On our trip, the 25 of us were divided into #TeamCap and #TeamIronMan based on what we chose. We wanted to know if Emily is Team Cap in real life? She told us “Well I have to be in Team Cap. For me to say I was anything but Team Cap would be massive problems but I agree with him. I do agree with him. I really get what he’s doing. I truly do.” I was already #TeamCap…have you chose a side yet? Let me know on twitter using the #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan hashtag and tag us at @CoralieSeright.

Emily’s characters having always been kick butt and strong. We wanted to know how she feels about being a role model for young girls and females? She told us “In these movies I think especially in like anything you do I always hate it when I hear actors or musicians or people in the public eye say that they have no obligation to be any sort of role model. It’s not like you have an obligation but you have a choice and why would you choose not to empower young women and use yourself as a vehicle when you have a voice to kind of inspire that. I don’t see why you wouldn’t.
It’s amazing to play a kick butt girl like Sharon. I also think she in her own way is strong and on her own adventures. I tend to pick characters that have those elements to it. But I guess in terms of being a role model I think I know it’s, it’s not a responsibility but it’s something that I feel connected to. I have three sisters. I have wonderful women in my life and I just want — I wanna see girls have the best opportunities they possibly can and if I can inspire that in the tiniest way I don’t see why I wouldn’t.”
She is really beautiful. This interview was great!

Here is the preview for the movie. It comes out this weekend so be sure to get your tickets now!
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This trip is sponsored by Marvel, Disney Channel & ABC. This does not affect my opinions and they are 100% my own
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