There was a beautiful double rainbow that stretched across the whole sky a few nights ago…this is just part of it, but we were able to see all of both rainbows. It was also sprinkling a little and another storm was getting ready to move in. We were watching the rainbow out the backdoor while we were eating dinner. Within a few minutes we saw the bright flash of lightening and then less than a second later we heard the crack of thunder follow. Everyone jumped, and looked out the back door. Of course the rainbow was gone, and it was starting to rain pretty hard again.
My son gets a serious face and looks at me…
“What’s wrong honey?” I ask him
“Mommy!” he exclaimed “The lightening killed the rainbow!”
I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t keep a straight face, I laughed and laughed and laughed. WHAT A CUTIE!
So now every time the rainbows go away and there is lightening…you know what he is thinking….lol
(This post was featured on Laugh Live Repeat, a site that we used to run. We wanted to merge the two, but keep the posts we had there, so we are moving them over. That is why the picture is marked that way. This is still our photo and our story.)
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