If you want a little greenery in your home why not make a change from plants and give growing herbs a go. As well as adding interest to a room, an herb garden provides a cost effective means of acquiring a healthy meal addition.
Making Herb Gardens at Home are easy to manage, interesting to see grow, and a great way of having useful herbs on hand whenever you need them.
The Smart Herb Garden
Such is the popularity of growing herbs that in 2013 The Smart Herb Garden raised $625,851 via a Kickstarter campaign, against a target of $75,000. This device basically takes all of the work out of maintaining an herb garden. It uses smart technology to ascertain whether the plants you are growing are receiving the right amount of nutrients. All you have to do is plug it in and add water. The device also supports the growing of other food items such as lettuce and mini tomatoes. The garden retails at $99.95 so it is not the cheapest way to grow herbs but it’s good if you want simple and no fuss.
Growing an Herb Garden Made Easy
Even without the use of The Smart Herb Garden, growing herbs is not difficult; all you really need is a windowsill that sees the sun, and some herb seeds.
If you are lucky enough to have the perfect spot that gets six hours of sun each day, without getting too hot you should be fine. Places with southern exposure are usually good for this. If you have a spot like this you can put some seeds into a good quality potting compost in a pot of your chosen size and you should be good to go.
Well it’s not quite that simple, obviously you have to make sure that you water the growing seeds regularly; always make sure that the water drains away as stagnant water is very bad for plants.
If you do not feel confident to grow your herbs from seed you should make sure that any young plants you buy are healthy; beware of any insect activity. When you are planting the herbs in your own herb garden make sure that they are planted far enough apart to have sufficient room to grow, you can learn more by visiting this link.
What to be Aware of when Making Herb Gardens at Home
It’s not difficult to grow an herb garden but there are some things to be aware of and watch out for.
- If you don’t remember to cut the herbs back they will just grow upwards not outwards and in strength; this reduces their quality. By cutting them back you are also getting access to herbs to use in your food.
- If flowers start to appear on herbs early in the season pick them off as soon as they start to bud. Once the herb flowers it starts to go to seed.
- You should always keep a close eye on your herbs. If you know what they normally look like you will be aware if something goes wrong, such as fading and curling leaves.
If you watch carefully, and take good care, you should have a successful herb growing experience when Making Herb Gardens at Home.
This is a guest post by Ben
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