At the beginging of February I was able to take a trip to L.A. to be part of the press junket for McFarland USA. It was an amazing experience filled with pre-screenings, meeting and interviewing many of the cast members, Dinners, and even an interview with Kevin Costner. One of the very first things we did was watch McFarland USA. I was not ready for how good this movie truly is!

McFarland USA takes place in 1987 with Coach White (played by Kevin Costner) struggling to find a job as a teacher and coach and ends up in McFarland, CA. It is a new culture and their whole world is turned upside down. Many struggles come, trials, and hardships, but Coach White notices some of the boys are amazing runners and have great potential. He goes to the principle asking to make a Cross Country Team and after recruiting 7 boys, they start training. This part of the movie is so inspirational and touching. Coach White’s journey with these 7 boys is amazing and really touching.

Their first meet was heart breaking and really brought out a change in Coach White and the players. They grew not only physically but spiritually together and developed an amazing bond of friendship that still lasts today. Through the movie Coach White learns that family is the most important and has a beautiful scene that is touching for his daughters Quinceañera.
The movie is packed with humor that made you laugh through the whole movie. There are a few emotional parts where you will want tissues as well. McFarland USA is a great film for your entire family. It is rated PG. I took my 3 and 5 year olds, as well as my 7 and 10 year olds and they all loved it. My older kids got all of the jokes, but it was entertaining enough to keep the attention of my younger kids, and my son (5 year old) followed the whole movie. It has a great storyline with an amazing theme. Heart, dedication and faith are three major factors that bring this film to life.
Kevin Costner was perfect for this roll and did an amazing job. I got to meet and interview him as well, and you can read about that here. I also got to meet and interview the “real” Coach Jim White and the Diaz Brothers (Danny, Damacio and David). Interview Niki Caro (the director). Interview with the 7 boys that played in the movie (coming soon).
The movie comes out today so go see it with your family and come back and let me know what you thought!
If you haven’t seen a trailer yet, here you go…
McFARLAND, USA is rated PG and opens in
theaters everywhere on February 20th!
Follow McFARLAND, USA on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mcfarlandusa
Follow Disney Pictures on Twitter: https://twitter.com/disneypictures
This was an all expense paid trip provided by Disney. All opinions expressed are my own.
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