We received a copy of this movie for review. All opinions are our own.
Last week we got a pre-release copy of Nine Lives. It is a great new movie about a guy who loves to work and needs to figure out how to balance his work life and his home life. His daughter wants a cat for her birthday and through a course of events, Brand ends up becoming the cat while his “body” is in a coma. It takes him a while to realize what is important and what sacrifice for his family means, but the end has a great meaning that while leave you smiling. The movie is packed with humor and Kevin Spacey and Jennifer Garner do a great job together!
NINE LIVES Blu-ray & DVD Special Features:
- Letting the Cat Out of the Bag: The Making of Nine Lives
- Russian for Herding Cats
- Includes Digital HD

Learn more about Mr Fuzzypants and the rest of the crew from Nine Lives on
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