This post is brought to you by SleepBuddy through MomSelect. All opinions are my own. Getting your kids to stay in their own bed and sleep through the night in their bed can be challenging. I have four kids as many of you know – and each of them has been different. My youngest has been by far my most challenging – wanting to come and climb in bed with mommy and daddy almost every night. One of the biggest things I have found that gets her to stay in her bed through the night is a good night light and the idea of a reward for doing good. When I heard about the SleepBuddy system, which combines both of these things together, I knew that I needed to get one for her so we could try it.
Automatic Night Light
The SleepBuddy light is really remarkable. You program it to turn on and odd at certain times, so your child learns that when the light is on, they stay in bed, and when the light is off, they can get up. You can program it for night time or nap time – and even use the NIGHT NOW and NAP NOW features without interfering with the settings you programmed. You can choose between the amber (yellow) light and the blue light. It also has an internal battery so you can use it for a weekend without it needing to be plugged in!
Rewards System
The rewards chart system has been very helpful in getting her to stay in bed – and she loves adding her sticker after staying in bed all night! I can honestly tell you that we have tried several things, and the SleepBuddy system has been the most effective thing we have tried. It is perfect for kids ages 18 mo +, especially those who are transitioning from a crib to a toddler bed. My daughter is a little older – but still loves sneaking into my room frequently. With her staying in bed all night, we are both getting better sleep – which is always a bonus, especially for this busy mom. If you have a child that refuses to stay in bed through the night, then I am sure you can relate.
Get your own SleepBuddy today and start trying it with your kids. You can order on their website at or on A couple of my favorite features are the fact that it turns on and off on its own (according to the programming that you do) and that it can run without the power cord plugged in. What do you love most about it?
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