I love HP! They make amazing products that last for a long time, and I love the deals on toner that I can get for my devices at Staples. I do a lot of printing because I love doing crafts with my kids and also because I love photography, so I print out a lot of pictures on my computer after I have edited them. This works out great because I get the pictures and papers and other things I want printed out immediately without having to wait for them. Another thing I use my laser printer for is coupons. Laser printers print so many more things and the toner lasts longer, but when you are using it regularly, you have to replace the cartridge regularly.
It can also be tricky if I run out of toner and need to print something. So I try and stay stocked up on toner by taking advantage of the great sales they have Staples like the one they are offering now. You get Triple Rewards for Toner! Part of that great triple rewards is that you get a $15 iTunes Gift Card back when you buy $75 or more in HP toner.
Another thing I love is that you also earn 5% in Staples rewards when you buy HP Toner. This adds up quickly. And if you turn in your old used toner cartridges you will also get $4 back in Staples Rewards. There are a lot of things here that you can stack together to get the awesome HP Toner that you love for a great deal with some cash and gift cards back in your pocket!
Now through 9/27 you can triple dip on your savings. Here is break down of how it all works out:
- Promotional Offer: Staples is offering a BONUS $15 iTunes gift card with a $75 purchase in HP ink
- Earn Staples Rewards: Staples offers a loyalty program where customers can earn up to 5% in rewards to use at Staples stores and online.
- Earn Credit Card Rewards: By using your favorite rewards credit card to purchase gift cards, you can earn points, miles or a percentage back on your purchase. Some credit cards even offer increased rewards for purchases office supply stores!
Let’s see how the rewards add up!
- $15 iTunes card – When you purchase $75 in HP toner.
- $3.75 in Staples Rewards – If you are a Premier Staples Rewards members earning 5% back on purchases. ($75 x 5% = $3.75).
- Up to 4x credit card reward points – If your credit card offers increased rewards for office supply purchases.
We are also excited to be offer this awesome $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway! It runs from 9/15-9/27. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I would use it and save it for Christmas!!
I would probably buy diapers – I know not exciting but necessary!!!
I would buy MORE toner for my printer as I use it to make jewelry and other crafts.
winter clothes and something for me if I win
A Chromecast and new shoes, thank you for this chance to win.
I would probably buy Christmas presents for my kids. I don’t how much I will have in my budget for presents this year.
I would use it to load books on my kindle app! Thanks for the chance!!!!!!
I would save it for Christmas presents for my 3 kids!
I would Buy my son a bunch of blocks.
I would buy my little sister all the plushies she could dream of! ^_^
I’d get some books.