If you have been trying to shop “frugally” for any amount of time you well know how hard it is to keep track of what a good price is for everything that goes on sale. There are so many different items that its hard to remember some of them. This is where using a price point list to compare prices can come in handy!
Having this price point list will tell you the name of the item, what the regular price is, what a good sale price is and when to stock up! You can add, subtract, edit and change what you need to so that it fits your needs. Print it out and put it in your coupon binder or bag and keep it with you. Even in your purse so you know what a good sale price is when you are shopping. You will be surprised and what the stores make out to be good prices when you really aren’t getting a good deal at all!
This is fantastic, but it’s 2012 — 9 years old. How about updating it, please? All prices have gone up. Many thanks.
Has this list been updated. It is a good template, and I did download it. Prices are higher in my area.
I haven’t updated it for a while. I need to go through and do that. Hope it helps!
This is so great! I can print this and put it in my coupon binder! What a great help!
I love this! There’s so many times that I could use this at the store!
What a handy tool! I am always shopping for grocery bargains but I’m not really sure if what I’m buying is indeed a bargain after all lol, this spreadsheet will definitely help@ Thanks for sharing 🙂
This is great. I always think I’ll remember the best prices, but then I’m never sure.
Probably one of my favorite topics to date! I love saving money, and with having small kids can be expensive these types of articles help so much!
This is so helpful! I’m often skeptical of some stores ‘deals’ this will help a lot!
Prices are a bit diferent in my area but I”m going to adust the list to my local prices as I love the list!!!!
I love this idea – I will definitely update it with my regional prices and carry it in my coupon binder! Thanks for the tip!
Very useful, but some prices differ pretty significantly by geographical area. Almonds are 6.9,9 a lb. here (Cincinnati) and in Milwaukee. If I ever saw them for $4.99, I’d buy like crazy! Similar story with butter. But I almost always pay less than you do for produce.
Love the form! I’m going to carry it with me and update it with my prices. I love to grocery shop! But I’ve never loved meat or eaten much of it, so I’m fairly oblivious to what costs what in that department. It drives my husband crazy that I can’t remember cuts or prices of meat. So this list will really help with that. And now I know to buy nuts when I’m in Utah!
This is such a good idea. Much better than trying to remember it all in my head!
Thanks, I always start making these & never finish. I think I’m going to use the excel & match it to my stores & store in my skydrive for my phone. Thanks again!
great idea going to print it out
Thank you! Very useful.
That’s a great idea! Thanks for the reference!
LOVE this, what an awesome little reference sheet.
Thanks so much for sharing this! What a great reference!
Great thought.. My mother does couponing and does very well at it. I personally don’t have the patience and typically don’t know what a “good deal” is when I see one. This list would really come in handy for someone like myself.. I really need to get into it more and save myself some $$$
Thank you so much! This will save a lot of time and hassle. I appreciate you sharing the PDF.
OK, this is GENIUS! You’re so right…when you shop at different stores for so many different products, it’s hard to keep track of what’s a good price vs. what’s a great price, etc. This is great!
This is so helpful!! I cannot thank you enough for sharing this! I have always wondered what price is good or not when shopping. Saved this file and am also going to print it out to put with my coupons.
I use almost the same method when I go out shopping, I usually list all the normal items I usually shop and have comparison prices listed from different stores. 🙂
Thanks for the form, using it will be a lot easier than trying to keep the prices straight in my head.
Seems it would be alot of work initially but save u alot of $$$.
I’ve printed it off & have my fingers crossed. I’ll try anything to get more organized. I’m one of those run to the store & get whatever’s for dinner that night kind of people.
Thanks for the form, going to see if this is feasable for me….lol. I’m not the quickest to catch on to this kind of stuff!
I’m always trying to save and to be honest, never thought of a “list” like this…thanks so much for sharing
I have some friends who do this – I have one friend who has it all memorized (I’ve tested her – she’s legend). Thanks for sharing a great resource.
I haven’t seen a list like this before. Thanks for sharing!
I needed a list like this – thanks so much!
I wish I had the time to do this, I’m sure by taking a little time out to make a price point list, I could probably be saving our family a little more each month AND it will help with the hassles of being “drawn” in by sales and end of losing money.
Oh wow, my husband would love this. He is very much a list person!! Cool idea.
Thanks this would be very handy when trying to save.
This is a great point of reference! So many times we think that the stores sale price is indeed a good price “because it’s on sale!” when in reality, they’re sticking it to you. Making a list of items and prices, then checking those items each week especially when on sale – in 6 weeks time, you should see what the rock bottom price is. Thanks for this list!!
I would be interested in trying anything that would help me to remember prices. This is a great idea!