How to start couponing – Shopping the sales (Week 5)
Once you get your coupons, organize them and figure out how much you need to buy with them, you will want to start to USE them. Shopping the sales with coupons is easy, but you can also find that if you are not using coupons the right way, you may end up spending MORE money! So don’t run off to Walmart with all of your coupons and think that you will be getting the best deal, just because you are shopping at Walmart and using coupons. You won’t save near as much as you will if you follow these simple tips:
- Become familiar with the coupons that come in your inserts. (use our coupon database to look up coupons instead of searching through inserts)
- Use a stockpile price point sheet (customize it to your area)
- Check coupon match-ups and look through your local stores weekly ad and see what is on sale (remember not everything you see will be a good deal, even if it looks like a good deal. That is why you use your price point sheet, so you know what a good deal is)
- If you find items that are a good price, check to see if there are any coupons that go with them
- Clip and organize your coupons before you go to the store
- Make a list of exactly what you are getting, how many of each item, and how much expect to spend
- Finding the right cashier is extremely important! Make sure they scan EVERY coupon. Another way to ensure this is to give them the coupon for each item as they scan it instead of all at once at the end.
- BEFORE YOUR LEAVE the store, check your receipt and make sure everything rang up correctly and that all your coupons came off. This will save you a lot of time.
How to Start Couponing Series:
- (Week 1) – Gathering and Organizing Coupons
- (Week 2) – Figuring out how many coupons you need and the three types of shoppers
- (Week 3) – Figuring out how much you need to stockpile & why
- (Week 4) – Preparing your Shopping List and Coupons
- (Week 5) – Shopping the Sales
I am really enjoying this couponing series- thank you for it! I was an occasional coupon user before, so this series is making ti easier for me to transition into an everyday one!